Connected the Tech, Design & Entrepreneur Community from 2011-2019


We helped establish as the community calendar for the regional tech community. We encourage people to add a range of events, not just IT focused ones: events for entrepreneurs and designers, for example.

The calendar was set up by Jason Slagle. We helped Patrick McSweeny add features and customize the site for our region. We maintained events, deleted spam, tweaked tagging, and added events as needed to make the calendar useful. See the calendar about page for more information.

The calendar works well via a web browser on phones, but Don Miller has also developed an iOS app that accesses the calendar. And Chris Wammes has made an Android app.

Even though we have “retired” Tech Toledo, the community calendar lives on.

Use to find events.

Add your organization’s events and other events that you think the community should know about.

If you want to help out, join the Google group for the calendar and introduce yourself.

It takes a group effort to make sure the calendar serves the Toledo regional tech community.