Connected the Tech, Design & Entrepreneur Community from 2011-2019

2012 Tech Community Meeting Planner

To help you plan 2012 events for the tech community in the Toledo region, we are compiling a list of commonly-scheduled monthly meeting times for area groups.

These are general meeting times: groups often vary from month to month based on speaker availability and many other factors. Be sure to check each group’s web site and the community calendar for specific dates for each month.

Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Week 1 NWO FileMaker Pro TST (lunch)
Week 2
Week 3 NWNUG Startup Toledo
Week 4 TWP, FANUG*

Help us fill in the table and keep it accurate! Contact us to correct something or to add to the meeting planner.


FANUG meets on the last Tuesday of the month, which is sometimes Week 4, sometimes Week 5.