2024 Toledo Region Innovation Community

Tech Toledo operated from 2011-2019 but we still get asked to help people find tech, entrepreneur, and design colleagues in the Toledo region.

The information below is mostly for community leaders, to help them collaborate in the Toledo Region innovation ecosystem. Technologists, entrepreneurs, and creatives can also use this to help them find groups to join and events to participate in.

This is what we know is going on, as of March 3, 2025. Send email to tech4toledo@gmail.com with additions, updates, and corrections.

2025 Planning

Time to start planning major events in our region, and trips to our neighbors.

Toledo Codes

Justin Beaudry is spearheading Toledo Codes, a new meetup-of-meetups for software developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts. Meetups will be on 3rd Thursdays. Fill out a survey to provide your interests, background, and how you’d like to get involved.

Tech Events Calendar

Toledo.com now has a “Tech Events” listing. You can create an account to add your own events (which will have to be approved by a moderator). Contact the Events Administrator at events@toledo.com for more information.

Toledo Tech Company Directory

Toledo.directory is a new list (by Tom Bush of Actual Reality Technologies) of companies that do software development, IT services, digital marketing, and related “tech” services, plus organizations that support them (such as tech training providers).

Tech Night at TolHouse

EmpoweredAI, a local non-profit led by LeSean Shaw and Tom Bush, started hosting Tech Night at TolHouse in April to inspire collaboration, innovation, and the growth of our local tech community. The networking event will be on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month in 2025.

Toledo Tech Loft

Toledo Tech Loft (led by Chris Eischen) is a new education, event, and coworking space in downtown Toledo. It hosted the Holiday Mixer on 12/10 and will continue to be a hub for activity in 2025, with its own LOFTALKs and being the venue for other group’s events (such as AAF’s Lunch & Learns).

University of Toledo Business Incubator

The UT Incubator is collaborating on Tech Nights at TolHouse (instead of hosting their own events). The Tech419 Pitch Competition (formerly known as Pitch and Pour) was on November 7th.

Google Developer Group

Greg Miller and Vagish Vela continue to lead the local Google Developer Group, hosting monthly events since January, 2023 (2nd or 3rd Wednesdays, usually). They are also keeping the once-very-active Toledo Web Professionals and the local Word Press group going.

Holiday Mixer @ Toledo Tech Loft

The tech & creative communities got together for a shared holiday party on December 10th and over 200 people attended!

See Eventbrite for all the details about what you missed and who participated. Those groups will hopefully be doing more in 2025.

Save the 2nd Tuesday of December (12/9/25) for this year’s Holiday Mixer (tentatively, exact date to be determined).

Northwest Ohio ISSA (Cybersecurity)

The local chapter of the Information Systems Security Association (led by Jacob Squire) has been hosting networking events for cybersecurity professionals. They have started producing Capture The Flag events again.

Microsoft Enterprise User Group

The Microsoft / SharePoint / Office 365 “enterprise user group” was restarted in July. Wanda Brotzki is still a point of contact.

AAF Toledo

Once known as the “AdClub”, the Toledo chapter of AAF (American Advertising Federation) now serves media, marketing, and design professionals (with “digital creatives” invited to join them). They have been hosting monthly networking events (usually on Thursdays) and programming about every other month. Their big awards competition will be in February, 2025. Valerie Thompson is the president.

Mercy Innovation

The Mercy Toledo Innovation team (led by Megan Reichert) supports entrepreneurial and economic development activities, helping build a culture of innovation in the region.

More to explain later (just noting for now)

Other Calendars of Events

Events for the tech, entrepreneur, or design community might show up on these calendars:

Neighboring Ecosystems

Collaboration within the Toledo region is necessary but not sufficient. We also need to learn from and partner with neighboring tech hubs, who are more advanced in various ways. Some have had IT trade associations for 25 years, all have tech meetups we do not have, and often they host “statewide” conferences we can attend.

A few ways to get out of town, make connections, learn something, and bring it back to Toledo:

Finally, the “negative cycle” around funding community activities and local ecosystem builders in Pittsburgh resonates with our experiences in the Toledo region. We can do better! Just 1 example: “Empower Grassroots Leaders and Local Experts”.