2012 Summary

Below is a list of various technology-related groups and what they did in 2012.

Software Developers (focus on back-end)
Organization/EventMore infoCalagator# MeetingsScheduleTypes of Meetings
NWNUG (Northwest Ohio .NET User Group): Promote learning, share enthusiasm, provide a forum for discussion regarding Microsoft’s .NET technologynwnug.com @NWNUG  nwnug123rd TuesdayPresentations w/ Sponsored Food
FANUG (Findlay Area .NET Users Group): Presentations from area experts to assist developers with their education in Microsoft’s .NET technologyfanug.org @FANUG  fanug12Last TuesdayPresentations w/ Sponsored Food
CocoaHeads Toledo: Discussion of Apple Computer’s Cocoa Framework for programming on MacOS Xcocoaheads.org @CocoaHeadsTol Meetup/Toledo-iOS-Developers  cocoaheads81st ThursdayPresentations
NWO-PUG (Northwest Ohio PHP User Group): Support local PHP developers no matter their knowledge levelnwo-pug.org Meetup/Northwest-Ohio-PHP-User-Group @nwopug FB/Group  nwophp53rd TuesdayMeetings
OpenHack Toledo:Get programmers of any experience level together to codeopenhack.github.com @OpenHackToledo  openhack3Every other MondayHack sessions
Dev Toledo:A technology and platform agnostic user groupdevtoledo.com @DevToledo Meetup/DevToledo  devtoledo13rd ThursdayPresentations
Toledo Geek Lunch: Casual geek lunches@ToledoGeekLunchgeeklunch5FridayPay-own-way Meals
CodeMash: Educate developers on current practices, methodologies, and technology trends in a variety of platforms and development languagescodemash.org @codemashcodemash1JanuaryConference
Designers and User Interface Developers (focus on front-end development and user experience)
Organization/EventMore infoCalagator# MeetingsScheduleTypes of Meetings
Toledo Web Professionals (& Toledo Geek Dinner): Web professionals like web designers, graphic designers, web developers, internet marketers, search engine specialists, information architectsdesigntoledo.com Meetup/Toledo-Web-Design @DesignToledo, @ToledoGeeks FB/Toledo-Geek-Events  twp214th TuesdayPay-own-way Meals Presentations Educational sessions Road trips
Refresh Toledo: Design, technology, usability, and web standards (idle since 2009)refreshtoledo.org/ @refreshtoledo  0??
Other Information Technologists
Organization/EventMore infoCalagator# MeetingsScheduleTypes of Meetings
Tech Toledo: Bringing Toledo’s technology professionals togethertechtoledo.net @Tech_Toledo FB/Tech-Toledo  techtoledo2Pay-own-way Meals
ISACA Northwest Ohio: Information systems audit, control and securityisaca.orgisaca3Meetings Panels Presentations
NWOACM (Northwest Ohio chapter of Association for Computing Machinery): ACM is the world’s oldest and largest educational and scientific computing societynwoacm.org1 Pay-own-way Meals
UT ACM (University of Toledo student chapter of Association for Computing Machinery): Expose students to revolutionary technologies, trends, theories, and programming languages.utoledoacm.org???
TMOUG (Toledo Metro Oracle User’s Group): Open to anyone with an interest in Oracle solutionslinkedin.com0 
TALUG (Toledo Area Linux Users Group): Promoting awareness and use of GNU/Linux and open source softwaretalug.orgtalug8SaturdayMeetings
NWOFMPUG (Northwest Ohio FileMaker Pro Users Group): FileMaker Pro is powerful, easy-to-use database softwarenwofmpugnwofmpug111st TuesdayPresentations
UT-ASM (Association of Systems Management): Student organization at the University of Toledo with mission to serve students interested in information systemsFB/ToledoASMutasm12ThursdaysMeetings with speakers Tours
Northwest Ohio SharePoint User Group: Business analysts, managers, developers and others interested in Microsoft SharePointLinkedIn/NWSPUGnwspug1??
Toledo VMUG: VMware user group, discuss virtualization trends, best practices, and the latest technologyvmug.comvmug4+?Lunch meetings
Northwest Ohio IT Alliance: IT and Controls/Automation professionalsFB/Northwest-Ohio-IT-Alliancenwoita2??Networking with presentations
Entrepreneurs and Start-ups (people who like to hang out with technologists)
Organization/EventMore infoCalagator# MeetingsScheduleTypes of Meetings
StartUp Toledo: Celebration of Toledo’s innovators, entrepreneurs and creatives@StartupToledo startuptoledo.comstartup113rd ThursdayNetworking, Drinks, Sponsored Food
Tech Connect: Information on start-up funds and services for entrepreneursrocketventures.orgtech-connect3QuarterlyPresentations, Vendors, Networking
Startup Weekend Toledo: Go from idea to the beginnings of a company in an intense 54-hour periodtoledo.startupweekend.org @SW_Toledo FB/StartupWeekendToledo  startupweekend1Annual?Hands-on education, Competition
Other Technologists (from various industries)
Organization/EventMore infoCalagator# MeetingsScheduleTypes of Meetings
TST (Technical Society of Toledo): Working to bring engineering, technology, business and community togethertechnicalsocietytoledo.org @tst_techsociety FB/TST Technical Society of Toledo  tst6+FridaysLunches with speakers Engineers Week
Glass Act Labs : Express their interest in creating and participating in a hackerspace (open community lab, workbench, machine shop, workshop, studio) for the Toledo areahackerspaces.org FB/groups/glassactlabs @glassactlabs  glassactlabs??Road Trips Hacking Sessions
IEEE Toledo: IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing technology for the benefit of humanityieee.org FB/IEEE-Toledo-Section LinkedIn/IEEE-Toledo-Sectionieee6?Meetings with speakers Tours
Creatives (designers, artists, entertainers, etc. who like to hang out with technologists)
Organization/EventMore infoCalagator# MeetingsScheduleTypes of Meetings
AIGA Toledo: Advance design as a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural forcetoledo.aiga.org @aigatoledo FB/AIGAToledo  aiga16+DependsDesign studios Presentations Exhibitions
Ad Club of Toledo: professional and social organization for individuals actively involved in the creation and production of advertising and marketing communicationsadclubtoledo.org @adclubtoledo FB/advertisingclubtoledo  adclub16+DependsLuncheons Social/athletic Conference
Pecha Kucha Night Toledo: Presentation format of 20 slides x 20 secondspechakucha.org @pechakucha_TOL FB/PechaKuchaNightToledo  pkn3QuarterlyPresentations
TEDxToledo: Independently organized TED eventtedxtoledo.com @tedxtoledo FB/TEDxToledo  1Annual?Conference
TEDxBGSU: Independently organized TED event (idle in 2012)tedxbgsu.com @tedxbgsu FB/TEDxBGSU  0Annual?Conference
Social Media Breakfast: where people meet, share and learn how to use social media (idle in 2012?)@SMBToledo FB/SocialMediaToledo  1?MonthlyMeetings
Venues (where technologists hang out)
Organization/EventMore infoCalagator# MeetingsScheduleTypes of Meetings
Seed Coworking: Coworking space that hosts many events, including a Lunch ‘n’ Learnseedcowork.com/ @SeedCowork FB/SeedCoworking  seedlnl2FridayLunch & Presentations