2013 Planner

To help plan 2013 events for the tech, entrepreneur & design community in the Toledo region, we compiled a list of commonly-scheduled monthly meeting times for area groups.

These were general meeting times: groups often varied from month to month based on speaker availability and many other factors. Most groups met in the evenings: other times of day listed in parentheses.

You should have checked each group’s web site / Facebook page / Twitter feed / etc. and the community calendar for specific dates for each month.

Week 1  NWO FileMaker ProOpenHackCocoaHeads/iOSTST (lunch) 
Week 2   TWP   
Week 3  NWNUGOpenHackStartup Toledo
Week 4  FANUG    
Various weeks
(but consistent
days of the
   NWSPUG (lunch)UT ACM
Seed LnL (lunch)TALUG (afternoon)
No patternIEEE, AIGA, AdClub, PKN, Nerd Summit, GeekLunch, SMB

Hope this was helpful. It is out of date now. Contact us to let us know about something else you need to help you plan.