Register now for the 8th annual Tech Toledo Holiday Mixer, December 6th. FREE!

We will be at a new location this year: the Collingwood Arts Center (see below for more about the venue).

What will stay the same:

  • Largest social gathering of IT professionals, with lots of digital designers, tech entrepreneurs, and other community members in attendance
  • Community groups, such as meet-ups, professional associations, and user groups, holding their “holiday parties” together
  • Sponsors and exhibitors who financially show their support of the community

We will NOT have a “program” this year. Just socializing and mingling.

Tell your colleagues about the Mixer and invite them to join us! Use this Facebook event, for example.

About the Mixer

Tech Toledo invites members of the tech, design, and entrepreneur community to join us on Thursday December 6th for our 8th Annual Holiday Mixer.

The Mixer is our end-of-the-year community party and a celebration of the various tech-related groups (meetups, professionals associations, user groups). We welcome IT professionals, tech entrepreneurs, digital designers, business leaders, planners, engineers, government officials, marketing professionals, and anyone else interested in hanging out with the region’s tech community.

The Mixer is free for individuals to attend. You are responsible for paying for your own drinks. We are trying to get enough sponsors to pay for catered food for everyone. Individual registration is now open! Get your FREE ticket so we know you are coming. Tell us which community group you are with, if any.

Community Groups

Community group registration is still available!

Instead of having a separate “holiday party” for your group, have it with us! It is free for groups to participate. Group leaders promote the Mixer, invite their members, and ask them to register with us. In return, each group gets a spot at the event where members can hang out and prospective members can learn more about the group.

Community group leaders: Get a FREE “Community group” ticket on Eventbrite to participate in the Mixer. And then start promoting to your group!

Current list of participating groups:

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Organizations can also sponsor the Mixer! Sponsorship money shows your support of the community and helps cover the cost of the venue.

Sponsorship options (CLOSED):

  • Basic: $50. Get a small version of your logo on things, and we will thank you profusely.
  • Advanced: $100. We will display your logo and thank you even more profusely.
  • Bar: $100. SOLD OUT! Be one of the two organizations that gets to say they sponsored the cash bar.
  • Food: $200. SOLD OUT! Help pay for catered food for all to enjoy for free.
  • Haunted tour: $200. SOLD OUT! Get 20 tickets to a Haunted Tour of the Collingwood Arts Center. Give the tickets to your employees, customers, Mixer attendees, or anyone brave enough.

Exhibitor options (CLOSED):

  • Exhibitor: $300. Get a rectangular table at the Mixer to promote your organization. Greet attendees in the hallway as they enter, get food and drinks, and explore the venue.
  • Library exhibitor: $500. Be the only exhibitor in the Library, a special room next to the theater. Host attendees for more intimate business discussions.

You can mix and match sponsorship and exhibitor choices to suit your needs. For example, you can be both an Exhibitor and a Haunted Tour sponsor. To get a ticket to the tour, attendees could have to stop by your exhibitor table.

Select from the list of sponsorship levels and exhibit choices on Eventbrite. Pay by credit card there, or contact us via email ( to request an invoice.

Current list of sponsors:

AVATARHaunted Tour Sponsor
BiG Fab LabExhibitor
SpokeFood Sponsor
WTA ConsultingFood Sponsor
First SolarFood Sponsor
Buchanan Van TuinenFood Sponsor
CNWRAdvanced Sponsor
Bar Sponsor
Black Kite CoffeeCoffee Sponsor
KinshipBar Sponsor
419Mining, LLCAdvanced Sponsor
BHR CompanyAdvanced Sponsor
Custom Training Solutions (a division of Northwest State Community College)Advanced Sponsor
Perrysburg EnergyAdvanced Sponsor
Dexterity User ExperienceBasic Sponsor

About the Venue

The 2018 Tech Toledo Holiday Mixer will be at the Collingwood Arts Center (2413 Collingwood Blvd, Toledo, OH 43620). The Mixer will take place in the Gerber House and in the hallway outside the Nelson Theater.

We selected this venue because of its unique Toledo history and setting (including a haunted past of the whole building, especially the Gerber House and its spooky basement). Experience an historical landmark as you meet with colleagues to discuss building our tech future.

The Mixer will be at the Collingwood Arts Center. This is the entrance to the driveway.
We will be in the Gerber House, built in 1872, at the front of the complex. This is the view from Collingwood Avenue, but you will enter from the parking lot side.
This is the entrance for the main building. Look for the Tech Toledo sign.
Some people will want to gather in the library, next to the Nelson Theater. A sponsor can use the library to meet people and discuss business.
One of the rooms in the Gerber House, where you can hang out with other members of Toledo’s tech, design, and entrepreneur community.
Another room in the Gerber House, looking out on to Collingwood Avenue. Community groups will be able to gather around tables like this at the Mixer.