Tech Startup Roadmap

1. Connect

  • Meet people in the tech community and get to know who is doing what
  • Attend local events to meet people and learn
  • Talk with people who have done startups and ask what they are working on
  • Join local groups to learn about specific tech topics
  • Learn: Read books, blogs, and websites, and bounce your ideas off others
  • Ask for advice

Google document with tabs for different categories of resources

2. Create

After some time connecting, you will need to start the deep dive of learning about Lean, The Business Model Canvas, and startups in general. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn and ask others — and just start.

  • Create your business model (Business Model Canvas, etc.).
  • Focus on customer discovery & product/market fit.
    • Validate your idea by connecting with potential customers.
  • Bounce your ideas off others and get their advice.
  • Don’t worry about protecting your idea: share it.
    • You can get the idea/concept across without needing to share the “secret sauce.”
  • Continue to READ, TALK & LEARN. If you get stuck, ask the people who can help you move forward.

After doing some creating, you will have enough figured out to actually try to make your business happen: time to go to Step 3.

3. Iterate

After doing some creating, you will have enough figured out to actually try to make your business happen.

  • Assemble a team capable of building an MVP
  • Create an MVP
  • Get feedback on your MVP with customers
  • Iterate and refine your product until you reach Product/Market Fit
  • Get some traction with customers
  • Validate your business model
  • Seek out mentors and advisors.

4. Generate

Focus on traction. Generate sales, revenues, and users.

Seek board members, advisors, capital if necessary.