Connected the Tech, Design & Entrepreneur Community from 2011-2019

UX Conference, Feb 3

PMUXbannerTech Toledo is one of the organizers of the 4th User Experience Toledo Region conference.

  • February 3, 2016, from 9am to 5pm, at the Toledo Museum of Art.
  • Featuring remote speakers from Rosenfeld Media. The topic is Product Management and User Experience.
  • Tickets are $50 and include the program (live and recordings afterwards), networking, lunch, and breakfast (thanks to sponsor Owens Corning). Several companies and organizations have contributed sponsorship money to lower the costs for individuals.

See the Conference page for more information. Buy tickets at Eventbrite.

I (Keith) organized the first 3 UXTR conferences on my own, so you will not notice much of a change with Tech Toledo on board. Being involved in the UX conference is part of our plan to do more events and provide more services in 2016.

Here is 1-sentence description of Tech Toledo that we are trying out:

Tech Toledo connects the IT, design and entrepreneur communities in the Toledo region by guiding grass root efforts, organizing events for networking and education, and providing strategic roadmaps for collaboration.

This makes our contributions to the design community more explicit, and includes some of the other things we have tested and will do more of. Including “design” is an extension of my past work. I started building the UX community in 2013, helped instigate Design Week last year (working with AIGA Toledo), and am thinking about the economic impact design can have on the region.

Let us know what you think!