Regional Cybersecurity Update

We currently more than the usual interest in cybersecurity in our region and Tech Toledo has been involved in more and more events and actions that have had opportunities for connections. We thought sharing some resources and what is happening in the region would be helpful to those interested in the topic. As always, post your events to and please share anything we have missed and we will add it to our list. Thanks, and stay safe.

Organization More information about them

Toledo Infragard
Northwest State Community College

Meyer Hill Lynch
DMC Tech Group


DUO Security, Ann Arbor  
Barracuda Networks


The State of Ohio currently has an initiative with the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce to teach and survey cybersecurity in our region. Bill Wersell of the chamber described it as follows:

We are working in cooperation with Meyer Hill Lynch.  We have identified 15 to 25 businesses that could benefit from this evaluation.  The grant is small, and limited to a very tight time frame.  This particular project is trying to help the state evaluate the problem and how the state should get more involved in training.  Hopefully there will be more support soon.

Northwest State Community College recently put on a cybersecurity focused training event and are working on a cybersecurity certificate program that should begin this fall. DMC Tech Group put on a State of the Cybersecurity Landscape in partnership with SonicWall at the Toledo Museum of Art in April. Arakyta recently had a security Lunch and Learn about cyber threats.

I personally highly recommend subscribing to this blog ( to get updates on the current trends and scams.

If you know of an event, initiative, company, or experts that we have missed, please let us know and add them to the community Tech Calendar!